Investigation of reaction successful early matured cotton crosses on yield and Yield components as double cropping

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Researcher of Cotton Research institution of Iran

2 Cotton Research institution of Iran


This experiment was carried out in split plot by using randomized complete block design with 2factors in 4 replications. The objective of this study was evaluation reaction on yield and yield components and earlymatured cotton crosses as a double crop. Main plots, were include 3winter crop,wheat, canola, and nofallow, and Subplots were 6 cotton crosses including sepid(control), 30-SKT-133, 30-N29-80, 30-TBL-180, 30-SKG-43,and 30-TBL-61. The Results showed that rate of emergence, yield, first harvesting yield, number of bolls and boll weight were decreased by planting of cotton after winter crops. Although the total yield and first harvesting yield of cotton after canola,and wheat were less than treatments nofallow. Seedcotton yield after wheat was more then yield after canola  but these treatments didn't have significant differences. Earliness in cotton after wheat was same in nofallow treatment, but this is superior on canola treatments. 30-SKG-43 crosses had the highest cotton yield in nofallow and wheat treatment. This crosses in canola treatments produced almost with the other cross. 30-SKT-133 had the highest yield on first harveting and earliness percentage. In investigation crosses, seedcotton yield was increased and first harvesting had the hieghest impact by increasing number of bolls than boll weight.


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