Investigating the efficiency of saw gin machine in the processing of seed cotton at different levels of moisture content, rotational speed and cotton variety

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Research and Training Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources in Fars province

2 Researcher at Department of Agriculture and Horticulture, Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Rerearch, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Shiraz, Iran

3 Expert at Department of Agricultural Engineering Research, Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Rerearch, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Shiraz, Iran



Background and objectives: The effect of mechanical damage is considered as a serious problem in seed production, and reducing this effect leads to increasing the efficiency of seed usage. This research was carried out with the aim of reducing the mechanical damage of cotton seed and increase of efficiency in the gin machine and the appropriate rotation of the saw and moisture content in two varieties of Hekmat and Golestan cotton seeds.

Materials and methods: In order to increase the efficiency in gin machine, the effect of the rotation of saw in three levels, 300 (S1), 350 (S2) and 400 (S3) rpm, lint moisture in three levels, 3-5% (M1), 6-8% (M2) and 8-10% (M3) and seed variety at two levels of Hekmat (V1) and Golestan (V2) varieties were investigated by a factorial experiment in the form of a completely randomized design with three replications. According to the relationship between the physical properties of the seed and the performance of the machine during processing, the parameters of length, width, thickness, geometric mean, sphericity coefficient and bulk density of cotton seed were determined. Also, the parameters related to the gin machine, including the amount of mechanical damage to the seed, the percentage of ginning operation, and the material capacity were measured. Variance analysis was performed on the data and the regression equation between independent variables (experimental treatments) and dependent variable (measurable parameters) was obtained.

Results: An increase in moisture content resulted in an increase in the geometric mean of the dimensions of cotton varieties. The increase in mechanical seed damage also increased with the increase in moisture content from 6-8% to 8-10%, the main reason of which was the adhesion of fibers to the cotton seeds and the increase in the time of separation of the fibers from the seed. The results showed that the increase in moisture content from 3-5% to 6-8%, increased the percentage of ginning operations and the material capacity of the gin machine in both Hekmat and Golestan varieties; But with the increase of moisture content to 8-10%, the amount of these parameters decreased.

Conclusion: The general results of this research showed that two factors of seed moisture content and the rotational of the saw in gin machine have effect on the separation of fibers from cotton seeds. The change in moisture content to a certain extent (6-8%) was more effective than the change in the rotational speed in changing the material capacity and ginning operations in both cotton varieties. According to the presented results, the rotational speed of 350 rpm and the moisture content of 6-8%, are recommended for use in the saw gin machine and to separate the fibers from the cotton seeds.


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