Study of micromorphology, anatomical and ultrastructural morphology in two cotton varieties and their important application

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Profe., Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz Iran.

2 Cotton Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Gorgan, Iran.

3 Department of Genetic, Faculty of Science, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz Iran


Anatomical and morphological study of seeds provide a wide range of features that play an important role in evaluation of seed quality and micromorphology identification of different genotypes. The health of constituent sections seed is always necessary for optimal germination and crop production. The aim of this research was to investigate the embryonic structure of seed in two cotton genotypes (Latif and Golestan) and importance of their application in cotton planting and improving yield. In this research the seeds of two genotypes were evaluated according to morphometric characteristics. The seed internal anatomy structure was studied after preparing and molding in paraffin, cutting with microtome, difference staining methods and finally viewing under light and fluorescent microscope. The results showed that seeds of Golestan genotype had more area surface, diameter, intra ventricular ratio, shape, spherical factors and 1000-seed weight. Meristems are more complete and Pro-meristems in Hypocotyl region are more developed in Golestan genotype than the Latif one. Mesophyll Chlorenchyma and Spongy cells have differentiated in two genotypes, but these cells had more growth in Golestan genotype. In Toluidine blue stain method which to identify the phenolic compounds, secretory structures were more chromatophilic in Latif variety than Golestan. Fluorescent microscope showed the present of abundant fluorescent compounds, in seed structure were seen under. Finally, we concluded that under same condition, Golestan genotype with rath maturity of embryo and more germination percent, have more seedling emergence than Latif genotype.


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