Evaluation of management factors affecting cotton yield gap in the semi-arid moderate climate conditions using comparative performance analysis (CPA).

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of gonbad Agricultural Sciences, Gonbad, Iran,

2 Professor, Department of Agronomy, Mashhad Ferdosi Agricultural Sciences University, Mashhad, Iran

3 Assistant Prof. Dept. of Plant Production Gonbad University, Gonbad, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, Cotton Research Institute of Iran, Gorgan, Iran

5 Crop production, Gnobad Kavous university



Background and objectives: Estimating the yield gap and determining the factors causing it require the use of appropriate methods. The Comparative Performance Analysis (CPA) method is a suitable option for quantifying the yield gap, as it can identify the main limitations affecting performance. By using multiple regression in a step-by-step approach, CPA can help in taking actions to eliminate or reduce these yield-reducing factors.
Materials and Methods: In this research, the CPA method was employed to investigate the management factors limiting the yield of cotton and to estimate the yield gap in the western part of Golestan province (Kordkoi and Bandargaz counties). Data related to agricultural management, from planting to harvest (including quantitative and qualitative variables), were collected through face-to-face consultations and direct conversations. Nine variables were selected from the information collected during the monitoring of cotton fields. The relationship between these variables and the actual yield obtained from the fields was analyzed using step-by-step regression in SAS software. Finally, using the production equation and the values of the model components, the contribution of each limiting factor to the yield gap was determined.
Results: The results showed that out of 82 farm management variables, the final yield model included 9 independent variables: planting date, pure nitrogen consumption, pure phosphorus consumption, nitrogen at flowering time, foliar spraying with essential plant elements, irrigation water volume, pest damage, and irrigation timing at budding. These factors were identified as the main limitations to cotton yield in West Golestan. The yield gap was calculated as 3119.5 kg/ha, which is the difference between the actual average yield (1988.48 kg/ha) and the optimal yield (5108 kg/ha) estimated by the model. Factors such as nitrogen application, foliar spraying of essential elements, irrigation volume, and timing of irrigation at budding (283.8, 267.2, 177.3, and 175.3 kg/ha, respectively) had the most significant impact on the yield gap, contributing 30%, 19%, 15%, and 10%, respectively.
Conclusion: The results indicate that by implementing effective farm management practices and controlling the key factors limiting cotton yield, it is possible to reduce the observed yield gap by 61% in the studied areas and significantly enhance cotton yield.


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